Democratic Headquarters of the Desert Turning the Coachella Valley Blue Sponsored by the Riverside County Democratic Central Committee


As of April, 2024, we have published 2,700 issues of Progressive News! What started as an idea at Democratic Headquarters of the Desert has now become the regional standard for distributing information of interest and importance to our Democratic family. 

This free, online news service is the ‘go-to’ source for up-to-date information regarding Democratic political activities in this region, across Riverside County and extending throughout the nation. 

Progressive News! covers our campaigns, their candidates, their elections, and more. We advise our supporters and constituents of upcoming political events and we cover various subjects of community and national interest. Occasionally, we offer editorial commentary on current national, state, and local political issues, problems, and opportunities. 

We take great pride in publishing Progressive News! as a service to our subscribers and we plan to continue this service in the years ahead. Our publication never contains commercial advertising and we try, diligently, to limit solicitation of political campaign contributions.

Already a subscriber to Progressive News? Then, we hope you will continue to enjoy our free issues.

If you would like to become a subscriber, there is a link at the bottom of this page for you to sign up. Remember: it is a free service and you may unsubscribe at any time. You need not be a member of a Democratic club in order to receive this service. Progressive News! is free and available to everyone. All you need do is sign up!

When you crave information about Democratic activities, just think Progressive News! published by Democratic Headquarters of the Desert.

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